What is the Cryptfunder CF30?

Cryptfunder is committed to fueling the progress and development of newer and better technologies. Our goal is to generate value for our token holders by providing ICOs with the means and opportunity to succeed via Cryptfunders decentralized funding source. It is truly “Cryptocurrency Funding of the Community and for the Community.”

Cryptfunder (symbol: CFND) is a decentralized funding source for startup ICOs and blockchain companies in other stages. Cryptfunder will offer ICOs funding to kickstart their project, boost their security, get better servers, build a technology or any other related activity in exchange for either pre-ICO tokens or as negotiated proceeds from their initial launch of their ICO.

We will intensively screen ICOs and select those with the greatest potential for success. Then fund those ICOs in return for tokens at a discounted rate before they are publicly available, or receive a commission or other type of proceeds from their initial crowdsale.

Cryptfunder as a funding source for ICOs will enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement that ensures collaboration and careful quality control. Our success will be contingent on the success of our clients, and we will strive for the highest standards of excellence to the benefit of CFND and to our token holders.

Cryptfunders CFND is a token that will help to fund other startup ICOs as well serve as a store of value holding these tokens received through funding. CFND will be an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain and built on the latest protocols.

Ethereum was chosen because of its status as a tried and tested blockchain with a proven track record, a high and increasing volume of tokens in circulation, and a transparent approach that has led to their technology being 100% verified by the crypto- community.

The early-funding stage can make or break an ICO, and the entire project along with it. Cryptfunder  aims to revolutionize the cryptocurrency ICO funding process, bringing more competition to the market and giving a voice to the projects that deserve it. We will filter the best ICOs and handpick those with the greatest potential for success, following the advice of our expert, hand-picked team.

By giving these projects our full support, we position them for greatness at a crucial and early stage.
Incentivized by our personal stake in the currency and our firm belief in the concept, team, and technology we are funding, we will set the stage for our client’s projects to reach their greatest possible market value.

Strategy Of Cryptfunder

Find inspiring and disruptive startup ICOs including blockchain companies in various stages of development. Target those startups and other companies that break the established mold and thus present opportunities to achieve stratospheric results for Cryptfunder and its token holders.

Enable participants to easily apply online through a comprehensive, multi-part application process, secure data entry and upload capabilities, and save and return functionality. Streamline the funding application process through the Cryptfunder application portal and other modules.

Fund those startups and other companies to their required funding levels enabling them to achieve their maximum potential success without being handicapped by the lack of proper funding. Surplus funding will help to gain support and freedom of technological 'movement' thus ensuring that any company funded by Cryptfunder has increased chances of substantial success.

Hold for value is the mantra of Cryptfunder and its products. We will evaluate and perform thorough research and critical analysis on our held tokens and rebalance our supported company's token portfolios at all times.

Increase our value through the Cryptfunder CF30 token portfolio assets. These top, mid and low tier tokens will represent a deep intrinsic value to Cryptfunder and its token holders. Managed professionally and utilizing the best expert investment managers and ICO professionals, the CF30 will grow and excel across time.

Cryptfunder benefits

The potential in the ICO market is MASSIVE and only increasing into the near future. CRYPTFUNDER will seize these lucrative opportunities that present themselves everyday in the form of disruptive startup ICOs now and into the future.

The security will be scrutinized, analyzed and mitigated using standard and time proven techniques, along with our own proprietary security methods. Security is of paramount concern from pre-ICO to post-ICO along with our responsibility to keep our client's data secure.

Our funding of worthy and disruptive startups and blockchain companies is not only a benefit to Cryptfunder and its token holders, but to the cryptocommunity as a whole. Providing adequate and necessary funding for projects that deserve the light of day, building a reputation inside and outside for blockchain startups.

Token receive
Being able to receive massive amounts of highly discounted, in many cases pre-ICO tokens is the benefit that Cryptfunder has been built around. This substantial foundation will serve to secure Cryptfunders future as well as our token holders futures as we progress in the post-ICO environment.

The token portfolio CF30 will provide a stable and growing segment to our already stable platform in which to build our continued future success upon. The Cryptfunder CF30 will initiate, rebalance as needed and continue to hold these token assets and provide portfolio transparency to our token holders at all times.

What is the Cryptfunder CF30?

Cryptfunder will have holdings of other tokens that will be purchased using approximately 10% of the proceeds from the initial Cryptfunder ICO crowdsale.

These holdings will be named the ‘Cryptfunder 30’ (CF30) and will consist of 30 tokens, a figure which may change slightly as the project evolves.

The tokens will be a mixture of top tier, mid cap, and higher risk tokens. Part of our ongoing budget is allocated towards an investment manager.

Maintaining a good balance of tokens with the goal of high growth, actively balanced within the CF30 portfolio, but keeping in mind our core tenet of primarily holding is sometimes the best strategy.

Profits derived from these tokens month over month will be rolled back into CF30 for a compounding effect to the value of the portfolio.

This increase to the CF30 holdings amount and compounding growth will serve to enable the CF30 fund to grow over time and cause the fund to be a large contributor to the token price and value.

Operation of the CF30 will be primarily by the investment manager and / or team responsible for day to day operations, balancing, initial allocation and reallocation of tokens within the portfolio.

The cost for management will be a total of 1.5% for operating expenses and a 0.5% for legal and compliance fees of the month over month profits. The CF30 portfolio will ideally be maintained at 10% of the assets in crypto whenever possible.

It is possible that the our startup token worth within may or may not outpace the worth of the CF30, so to maintain the 10% the CF30, so to maintain asset balance of the total portfolio may not be possible in all cases. The growth of the cryptocurrencies in the CF30 may be large enough to maintain the market cap balance when compared to the ICO tokens in the Cryptfunder portfolio, which is why we favor an approach of diversification of assets.

All of Cryptfunder’s CF30 positions will be published in the open to the public on our site and we will attempt to update our positions as often as possible to provide Cryptfunder participants with the most current information. We believe in informational transparency at all times and strive to deliver this content in the open.

Cryptfunder ICO Overview

Cryptfunder will launch our ICO token crowdsale, symbol CFND, starting in Q2 2018 with a clear two year roadmap into the future and a stable and increasing growth curve for our participants. This growth and inherent value of the underlying token is not reliant on unproven, undeveloped technology or on future sales of a platform to the business sector – it is built on the simple, proven fundamentals of our business plan to fund promising, disruptive and well vetted startup ICOs with needed seed cryptocapital.

  • Token Total Supply: 40,000,000 tokens
  • Token ICO Supply: 20,000,000 tokens
  • Token Symbol: CFND
  • Initial Token Value: 0.003 ethereum per token
  • ICO Start Date: 25 May, 2018, 9:00 pm UTC
  • Duration of ICO: 45 Days, Ending: 8 July, 2018, 9:00 pm UTC
  • Rounds: 1 Round, 4 Bonus Stages, 1 Regular Stage
  • Softcap: 3000 ethereum
  • Hardcap: 60000 ethereum
  • Methods of Token PurchaseBitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH)

Post-ICO crowdsale, Cryptfunder can immediately start the application process for the funding of startup ICOs and the continued due diligence with the goal of Cryptfunder’s first funding potentially in July-August of 2018 (see roadmap for more timeline information).

The simplicity of the concept will enable Cryptfunder to quickly start funding the best ICOs on the market. Cryptfunder will not have to rely on unproven technology or wait on pieces of unwritten code to be created in order for us to start our funding process and capitalize on revolutionary ICOs.

Why Cryptfunder

We're a decentralized funding source for the cryptocurrency community, startup ICOs and other blockchain companies. Cryptfunder will filter out the best fintech candidates deploying expert analysts to identify the projects with the greatest potential. These disruptive startups will be chosen based on their potential market value, quality of their team and the real world application of their technology.

+ Choose the most disruptive technology candidates from a pool of online applicants for funding. Filter and distill the best of the best for Cryptfunder to initiate funding.
+ Receive a volume of discounted, pre-sale startup ICO tokens month over month and year over year. Amassing tokens directly into Cryptfunders holdings, offering backing and value to your token (symbol: CFND) and our token holders.
+ Establish and maintain the Cryptfunder CF30 portfolio consisting of 30 of the best tokens on the market today, representing stability and growth in a well balanced methodology.

More infomation

Website: https://www.cryptfunder.io/
Whitepage: https://www.cryptfunder.io/documents/Cryptfunder%20-%20White%20Paper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3310443.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptfunder.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptfunder
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptfunderico

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1330327

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