Ability to use it as P2P payment for business and individual - Invech
Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange is an exchange of cryptocurrency pioneered by Invech Group. Invech Token runs on Ethereum (ERC20) network. Invech Group is licensed and supported by the government of Timor Leste to implement and regulate, block chains and related cryptocurrency operations such as exchanges, ICOs, mining, consulting, and others. We aim to make East Timor the first Smart City of Blockchain in the world and bring development to the postwar country. Invech's cryptocurrency exchange allows users to access global platforms; better, faster and cheaper transactions, job creation, opportunities, etc. In addition, a portion of the profits from all transactions on the exchange will be paid to Timor-Leste through taxes. Problems to be solved Inadequate human resources. The quality and training of highly qualified specialists will increase. So the company believes that investment in education, experience and capabilities of employees in various sectors of the economy will...